Mark Gold MD

High School Poway High
Undergraduate University of California, San Diego
Degree: B. A. Biology
Minor: Chemistry
MEDICAL SCHOOL University of California, Irvine
Degree: M.D.
General Surgery University of California, Irvine Medical Center
7/84 to 6/87
Plastic Surgery Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
7/90 to 6/92
Microsurgery Lab University of California, Irvine
Fellow 7/87 to 7/89 Division of Plastic Surgery
Microsurgery Eastern Virginia School of Medicine
Fellow 8/89 to 12/89 Norfolk, VA
1) Furnas DW, Randzio J, Kniha H, Fudem G, Cruz HG, Gold ME: "Growth of Craniofacial and Forelimb Allotransplants in Young Rabbits" Transpl. Proc. vol xx(1):332-334, 1988
2) Achauer BM, Spenler CW, Gold ME: "Reconstruction of Axillary Burn Contractures with the Latissimus Dorsi Fasciocutaneous Flap" J of Trauma 28(2):211-213, 1988
3) Kniha H, Randzio J, Gold ME, Fudem GM, Cruz HG, Park HH, Furnas DW: "Growth of Forelimb Allografts in Young Rabbits Immunosuppressed with Cyclosporine" Annals of Plastic Surg vol 22 (2):135-141 Feb. 1989
4) Randzio J, Kniha H, Gold ME, Su L, Furnas DW:"Growth of Vascularized Composite Mandibular Allografts in Young Rabbits" Annals of Plast Surg 26(2):140-148 Feb. 1991
5) Gold ME, Randzio J, Kniha H, Kim BS, Park HH, Stein JP, Booth K, Gruber HE, Furnas DW: "Transplantation of Vascularized Composite Mandibular Allografts in Young Cynomolgus Monkeys" Annals of Plast Surg 26(2):125-132, 1991
6) Gold ME: "Interplast Travels to Iquitos, Peru" The Administrator Review 7(4):8-9 Spring 1992.
7) Gold ME, Bleday R, Brown F:"Complications of Prolonged Bilateral Lower Extremity Tourniquet: A Case Report" Plast Recon Surg 91(1):198-199,1993
1) Furnas DW, Gold ME, Fudem GM, Cruz HG, Kniha H, Randzio J: "Growth of Forelimb Allotransplants in Young Rabbits" American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Sept 1987
2) Furnas DW, Randzio J. Kniha H, Fudem GM, Cruz HG, Gold ME: "Growth of Craniofacial and Forelimb Allotransplants in Young Rabbits" International Organ Transplant Forum, Sept. 1987
3) Gold ME, Randzio J, Kniha H, Kim B, Park H, Stein J, Furnas DW: "Transplantation of Vascularized Composite Mandibular Allografts in Young Primates: A Preliminary Report" American College of Surgeons Southern Calif. meeting, Jan. 1988.
4) Gold ME, Booth K, Gruer S, Kim B, Chamberlin D, Furnas DW: "Growth of Non-Skin Bearing Heterotopic Limb Allografts in Young Rabbits Treated with Short Term Cyclosporine: A Preliminary Report" Plastic Surgery Research Council May 1988
5) Gold ME, Lach E: "Hand Manifestations of Tuberous Sclerosis" New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, June 1991
6) Gonzales F, Brown F, Gold ME, Walton RL, Shafer B: "Preoperative and Postoperative Nipple-Areolar Sensibility in Patients undergoing Reduction Mammaplasty" New England Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, June 1991
7) Gold ME, Brown F, Rosen J, Johnson G: "The Musculo-Tarsal Flap Lateral Canthoplasty" Senior Plastic Surgery Residents Conference Montreal Canada May 1992, New England Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons June 1992, and American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons Washington D.C. Sept. 1992
Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America
American Heart Association Student Research Associate Grant
S.C.U.R.I. Grant, University of California, San Diego
Diplomat of the American Board Of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
National Eagle Scout Association
Interplast Medical Mission Iquitos, Peru (Feb 1992)