Prior to surgery you will need to obtain:
1. Antibacterial Cleanser.
2. Have all prescriptions filled.
3. Have Coca-Cola on hand.
4. Make transportation arrangements in advance as you will not be able to drive yourself home.
10 – 14 Days Prior to Surgery:
1. We recommend that you be on a well balanced diet, and take a multi‑vitamin.
2. Do not take any aspirin, or medications containing aspirin (refer to the list that we provided). Do not take any extra Vitamin E.
3. Taking Tylenol is okay.
The Evening Before Surgery:
1. Shower with antibacterial soap, paying particular attention to the abdominal area.
2.Take one antibiotic tablet at 5:00 P.M. and one at bedtime.
3. Take one Valium at bedtime.
4. Do not drink ALCOHOL the night before surgery.
5. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight.
The Morning of Surgery:
1. Shower once again with the antibacterial soap, paying particular attention to the abdominal area.
2. Take one Valium one hour prior to surgery.
3. Please do not wear any make‑up.
4. Wear loose comfortable clothing.
6. Please leave all valuables at home.
Following Surgery:
1. Take one Antibiotic tablet four times a day until finished.
2.Take one pain pill every 3 to 4 hours as needed.
3. You will need to minimize your activities for the first two weeks: gradually resume normal activities as you are able and Dr. Gold allows.
4. Following surgery, you will feel more comfortable with your head and shoulders elevated and your hips flexed. While in bed, place 1 or 2 pillows under your knees. The tightness that you feel in your abdomen will subside gradually over 2-3 weeks.
5. You may shower on third day following surgery.
6. No tennis, swimming, golf, aerobics etc, for six
7. Do not drive for 2 weeks following surgery.
8. Call (858) 451-3060 if you have any problems or questions.
9. If you are experiencing nausea or vomiting, drink Coca-Cola beginning with a teaspoon at a time. If necessary, try Dramamine or another motion sickness medicine.
10. No sunbathing, hot tubs or sauna for 1 months.
11. Do not use a heating pad on the surgical site.
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